Our Ministries

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Street and
abandoned Children

Minister’s Family

TV Ministry

Evangelistic Outreach

Training and Impartation Ministry

Street and
abandoned Children

Jesus had great compassion for the children, so He said, “let the children come to Me do not stop them” It’s so heartbreaking to see children on the streets abandoned and nowhere to go and not having a shelter. We are now reaching out to the street children and the abandoned children in different parts of the world. At present we are supporting more than 200 children in Kenya and Uganda with their basic needs and many children in India and in Nepal with clothes, shoes and study materials every year.


Minister's Family

This ministry has been birthed from my own experiences, struggles and pains which me and my family have gone through in my pastoral ministry experience. Many believers receive prayers, emotional and mental support and counselling, but nobody really understands what a pastor and his family is going through. Through this program we are supporting pastors not only financially but emotionally, spiritually and in any other way we can make their lives better. We want to make sure that there is a place where they can contact, a person to talk to when they are in need; a place where they can share the pain and troubles they are going through. At present we are supporting many pastors and their families with their, clothing, kids’ education, housing, children’s marriage, one-to-one and family counselling, spiritual and job guidance, problem and stress management etc.

Television Ministry


Gospel is free to all but taking it to the nations, houses, and each individual is very expensive.

 “Let My People Go”  TV program by Pastor Manasseh Abraham is now reaching more than 100 million homes around the world. At Present this program is telecast in two different languages through Faith World TV on every Friday at 9 pm @ sky channel 588 and Harvest TV Through our Indian Subcontinent, Middle East and North America. Or you can watch in our website or 121TV app.

Could you please stand with me in taking the Gospel to the nations of the world. Because of your support, someone will hear about Jesus today. Will you please give your most generous gift today?

Evangelistic Outreach

Pastor Manasseh, so passionate about seeing that the lost are saved and the sick are healed. So, he travels to different parts of the world conducting healing and deliverance crusades, Pastor’s conferences, family conferences and impartation services. Most of these crusades and conferences are organized by the faithful partners and supporters that we have in different parts of the world. In these conferences many lives are changed, the sick are healed, and many thousands come to the salvation in the name of Jesus.

Training and Impartation Ministry

Pastor Manasseh has travelled to the nations around the world preaching and teaching in Pastors conferences, training and equipping Pastors and church leaders, empowering Bible school and Seminary students and in building the believers in their faith and their walk with the Lord and in their commitment to the church and the ministry. The Lord has been using him as a Teacher, Prophet, and healing minister of the Gospel

He has been ministering in Bible schools and Seminaries in many nations to empower the students, give a clear direction about their future ministry and to recognize their call so that they will be blessed in the ministry.

We believe Christ is the head of the church and the Lord has placed the pastor with a God given vision as the shepherd to lead His people or we can call the church a family where God is the Father and He has placed the pastor to represent God and when the Pastor and believers work together to accomplish the God given vision, the Kingdom of God will be established.

We will be happy to come and train Pastors, Church and church leadership and believers and Bible School and Seminary students to use their full potential, recognize their call, and to reach their destiny, and moreover to impart an anointing that will change their life for the glory of God.

Pastor Manasseh, so passionate about seeing that the lost are saved and the sick are healed. So, he travels to different parts of the world conducting healing and deliverance crusades, Pastor’s conferences, family conferences and impartation services. Most of these crusades and conferences are organized by the faithful partners and supporters that we have in different parts of the world. In these conferences many lives are changed, the sick are healed, and many thousands come to the salvation in the name of Jesus.

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Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. II Corinthians 9:7

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